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Net Zero

Supporting the Just Transition to ensure the construction sector is ready for the challenge by mapping out and connecting initiatives.


‘Driving a just transition to being net zero in embodied carbon, industry operations and over the asset life cycles.’

Working Group

Stephen Good

Working Group Initiatives

Listed below are the key initiatives being taken forward by the Net Zero Working Group.

Support the development and delivery of a Net Zero Just Transition Plan for the Built Environment & Construction (Themes: procuring for value, building a skilled labour force, an innovative, internationally competitive industry, delivering consistent, sustainable standards, and maximising the manufacturing base).

Milestones and key dates
  • Work Package 1, completed Q3 2023
  • Plan published Q4, 2023
  • Next Phase Q4 2024
Progress: Underway

Establish the Net Zero Working Group's role as "Strategic Coordination" group for Scotland's BE&C Net Zero activity. Objective is to declutter existing landscape by making it more transparent, connected, and navigable.

Milestones and key dates
  • Initial phase, Q4, 2024
Progress: Underway

Map current 'known' Net Zero activity at a strategic, tactical, and operational level.

Milestones and key dates
  • Initial scoping phase Q2 2024
Progress: Underway

Scope and develop an enhanced Knowledge Exchange Platform to support better collaboration, sharing, and learning across BE&C Net Zero Ecosystem.

Milestones and key dates
  • Launch Knowledge Exchange Platform Q4 2024
  • Comprehensive and regularly updated programme of content/initiatives/events 2024-2026
Progress: Underway

Scope and develop a pragmatic Net Zero delivery Route Map for the Built Environment with a focus on construction including clear links to regulatory and policy standards.

Milestones and key dates
  • Launch BE&C delivery Route Map Q4 2024
  • Establish methodology for deploying the Route Map Guidance, tools & resources Q4 2025
Progress: Underway

Develop a vehicle/campaign that focuses on honest, science based Net Zero messaging that will remove barriers.

Milestones and key dates
  • Scoping Q2 2024
Progress: To start

Participate in the transformation

If you'd like to be part of any of the Working Groups, please click the link below and complete the online form.